
Posts by:

Paul Freeman

What Are Managed Service Providers and Why Are They Important to Your Business?

Investing in tools and systems that improve productivity has long been considered a necessary cost of doing business – a better set of tools creates a more productive workforce. In the 20th century, those kinds of technologies were essentially production-enhancing tools (think faster writing tools like the typewriter and word processors). Not all these improvements were required. Some companies did not feel the need to keep up with the latest trends. If you could afford them, great, but if you didn’t you still managed to get by.   

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4 Key Criteria for Assessing Your DevOps Processes

If your company develops applications for internal use or to interact with customers, how well your DevOps processes function is critical for ensuring smooth business operations. Developers need to deliver new applications quickly, and IT operations must keep those applications running at peak performance. When it’s time for updates, the two teams should be able to work together seamlessly to roll out application revisions as quickly as possible.

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5 Email Security Best Practices and Tips for Employees

​Online security is something you know is important, but your IT team is not the only one responsible for cybersecurity. Everyone from front-line personnel to the CEO should assume accountability. They all need to do their part to keep the digital assets of your business protected because anything that happens to one user could quickly spread across your entire company.

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