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Security Audits: Learn Why Your Business Needs Security Audits?

A good business is always prepared for a breach or an attack on its IT systems. To ensure maximum security, a routine security audit should be conducted on a regular basis. An annual security audit prevents the chances of data breaches by ensuring you have the proper protections in place and that they are working as you would expect in the case of an attempted security or data breach. You can have a strong business or even extra security detail at every entrance, only to have one cyber-breach knock you flat.
So how do you avoid being compromised? The easy answer is to ensure you conduct a regular security audit. This will help to protect your business information, credit card information, passwords, and customer information – keeping you locked down and secure. Here are a few reasons why your business needs an annual security audit:

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VPN Best Practices for Managing Remote Access

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have long been used by businesses to give employees secure remote access to applications and data. And no doubt, the on-going COVID pandemic has dramatically escalated the need for businesses of all sizes. But in the rush to enable remote access, some businesses have fallen short in implementing strong security postures.

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What is VoIP & Five Reasons Why Your Company Needs VoIP

What is VoIP? The acronym stands for Voice over Internet protocol. Why is VoIP important? Since the 19th century, the nation’s local telcos (like AT&T and Verizon) have relied on the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to connect calls. Today, while telcos provide both plain old telephone service (POTS) and VoIP, they will soon quit offering POTS to subscribers. Like it or not, change is coming.

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The Dynamics of Cyber Security

Regardless of the size of your business, today’s digital climate involves risks. In fact, smaller and mid-sized companies are open to more threats due to lack of protection and know how. Cyber security is a critical part of managing those risks and taking the necessary steps to protect your assets. It pertains to all the IT measures needed as preventative measure against cyber risks. Cyber risk is any risk of disruption, monetary loss, or reputational damage of an organization due to an IT system failure. Before stepping into the cyber security context, one needs to come to terms with the dynamics of the digital era and the highly vulnerable virtual environment of today 

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How to Keep Your Business Secure from Cyber Threats

According to the FBI Internet Crime Report, the cost of cybercrimes reached $2.7 billion in 2020 for small businesses in the U.S. At the same time, an SBA survey found that 88% of small business owners feel their business is vulnerable to a cyber-attack. That survey also revealed many small to medium businesses can’t afford professional IT solutions, and they have limited internal resources to devote to cybersecurity.

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